Blue Peak Constructions


For streetscape construction projects, Blue Peak Constructions work closely with clients from the outset, to understand each of their requirements. We then utilise our expertise to provide a unique solution for each individual project.

We have completed multiple projects including streetscape development in Melbourne which have utilised a range of practices and materials, including granite, asphalt and concrete.

Blue Peak Constructions complete each streetscape construction project with the objective of delivering a well-executed functional space where footpaths, landscapes and roads work together. We understand the inconvenience caused to the community during street works, which is why we aim to reduce the impact to local residents, traders, and traffic, as best we can.

Walker Street, Dandenong

Stage 1 & 2

For the City of Greater Dandenong, the streetscapes project comprised of drainage, reconstruction of granite kerb and a granite paver footpath. Blue Peak Constructions also had to manage traders, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, street furniture and leasing with different service provider authorities.

    Britannia Mall, Mitcham

    Blue Peak Constructions was chosen by Whitehorse City Council to complete the construction of Mitcham’s Britannia Mall. A busy shopping precinct with multiple cafes and restaurants, it’s known to be a bustling area. The Blue Peak Constructions team completely reconstructed the mall using five different exposed aggregate concrete mixes as well as five different stone paver types to create intricate diamond patterns throughout the mall. This project also included a street lighting upgrade, custom street furniture and some minor drainage upgrades. We were able to deliver this project while working with local traders to minimise disturbance to their business.

      Douglas Streetscape, Dandenong City Council - Stage 3

      This project involved the staged reconstruction of Douglas Street in Noble Park, across from the Noble Park train station. These streetscape construction works were a continuation from previous stages, which our team also completed. This section involved a concrete kerb, asphalt footpath, new traffic signals, asphalt road resurfacing, line marking, piped drainage and pits, as well as multiple tree pits and garden beds to support the extensive planting.

        Cromwell Street, Burwood

        For Whitehorse City Council the Blue Peak Constructions team completed the Cromwell Street streetscape construction in Burwood. We had dealings with multiple traders and service authorities to ensure minimal impact to the local community, constructing the exposed aggregate footpath in two different colours and the reconstruction of the kerb.

          Hastings, Mornington Peninsula Shire

          Our team were engaged to complete the streetscape construction of two commercially used laneways in Hastings, for Mornington Peninsula Shire. Works included the reconstruction of these two laneways, with restricted access, and with an architectural concrete finish. This job included the installation of eight public lights and posts, garden areas, the upgrade of drainage and 330m2 of concrete paving, four colours in multiple pours. Who said streetscapes had to be boring? We loved working on this personality-filled space.

            Melville Road, Moreland City Council

            Blue Peak Constructions worked on one of the busiest intersections in Brunswick - Melville & Moreland Roads. The works included streetscapes with the construction of kerb and channel, speed bumps with herringbone patterns, asphalt reinstatement, a sand-blasting finish footpath with saw cuts every 300mm, the construction of WSUD tree pits, landscaping, custom street furniture and artwork on the facade of Campbell Turnbull Library. A key project for the City of Moreland (Merribek), we working closely with both local traders and residents, it was vital the works caused the least disruption to the Community.

              Ian Street, Dandenong City Council

              Our team recently completed the streetscapes in Ian Street for Dandenong City Council. The works included the reconstruction of a footpath upgraded to asphalt, kerb and channel works, two raised asphalt intersections, tree pits, and landscaping. Installation of tactile and street furniture were also included, a job completed in eight weeks. Like all streetscape projects our objection was to create the least inconvenience to the community, thus our team worked with VicRoads, traders, and residents.

                  Do you have any questions?
                  Feel free to contact us!